Am I the only one who found making friends as an adult complicated in ways I never saw coming? Am I the only one who searched through college and beyond to find her niche? A single place where she belonged? Only to fail again and again? My story (and Matt's too, for that matter), might not be terribly common. We belonged to a crew in high school that was diverse and tightly-knit and irreplaceable. These people became my support group and my best friends and my whole life. Then college hit, and we scattered across the state and the country and the universe (not really the universe)! Still, moving into Newman Hall in the fall of 2005, I had high hopes of a new chapter on my own. Surely in a crowd of nearly 11,000 people I could find my place. No I couldn't, and don't call me Shirley! Everything I tried either fizzled or exploded. At best, I didn't fit in. At worst, I was being yelled at for missing a bible st...
Adventures of a Cockeyed Optimist